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Picture Gallery - 2:   Birds

California Gull

        This Section of FREE PICTURES contains a large number of photographs of Birds of different species.  These pictures are of very good quality and FREE to download. The photos have been selected for your enjoyment and use, after going through thousands of free pictures made available by various sources.

       These pictures are of very good quality and in a reasonably high resolution.  Most of them are in the size of 800X600 pixels or above.  

            On this page, you will see pictures of California Gull.   More pics will be added in due course of time.  Please visit again.      

(Click on a thumbnail to see a LARGER picture)


picture of Adult & two immature California Gulls     picture of Adult California Gulls & immatures on Molly Island in Yellowstone Lake     picture of Adult California Gulls with juveniles

       1. California Gulls            2. California Gulls & chicks       3. Gulls & juveniles



image of California Gull     image of California Gull nest with three eggs     image of California Gull nestling

       4. California Gull5              5. Gull nest with eggs         6. California Gull nestling



photo of California Gull on Molly Island in Yellowstone Lake     photo of California Gull on the Southeast Arm of Yellowstone Lake     photo of California Gull swimming in water

      7. California Gull                8. California Gull on lake   9. California Gull on water


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Photo Credits:   1. Bryan Harry - NPS Photo  2. Stan Canter - NPS Photo  3. Stan Canter - NPS Photo  4. RG Johnsson - NPS Photo  5. Photographer unknown - NPS Photo  6. Watson - NPS Photo  7. Bryan Harry - NPS Photo  8. Bryan Harry - NPS Photo  9. J Schmidt - NPS Photo 


Terms of Use of Free Bird Pictures

       The Bird Pictures on this page are completely FREE.  You may use them for your projects, reports, publications and even for your  web-site - whether personal or commercial.  You can use as many pictures as you like.  However,  free use of these pictures is subject to a few simple conditions as mentioned below:

1.     The  pictures should not be used to make your own picture gallery.

3.     The pictures should not be used on a website that promotes cruelty towards animals.

4.     While using Free Pictures, credit should be given to the concerned photographer/publisher.  Please mention www.weforanimals.com as the source. 

















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