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100 Pictures of a

Famous Dog







Gulli's Picture Gallery

100 Faces of a Famous Dog (continued)




Famous dog picture - 17: I am hungry       Famous dog picture - 18: lunch time

      17. Dog demanding food                               18. Dog eating chapati bread



 Famous dog picture - 19: eating a newspaper       Famous dog picture - 20: a big yawn

     19. Close up of dog on newspaper                  20. Dog yawning


More Pictures of a Famous Dog


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All the dog pictures on this page are FREE.  You can download as many of them as you like.  However, there are two conditions:


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 promotes cruelty towards animals or shows them in bad light.


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If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons.  

- James Thurber


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