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Free Bird Pictures Page-3


       This Section of Free Pictures contains 36 pics of BIRDS of different species -

Night-Heron, Blue & Yellow Macaws, Blue Jay, Canvasback Hen, Brown Pelican, Cardinal, Lapland Longspur, Least Auklet, Loggerhead Shrike, Fiscal Shrike, Magnificent frigate Bird, Swamp Sparrow, Mourning Dove, Northern Pintail, Red-bellied Tree Duck,  Pine Grosbeak, Prairie Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler, Red-legged Kittiwake, Mountain Bluebird, Scissor-tailed flycatcher,  S T Flycatcher, Snow Geese, Western Tenager, Swan, Tree swallow, Western Meadowlark , Warbler, Western Meadowlark, Tufted Muffin, Snow Goose, Go Away Bird, White-fronted Goose, Wood Duck.


       These high quality photos have been selected for your enjoyment and use, after going through thousands of free pictures made available by various sources. More pics will be added in due course of time.  Please visit again.

(Please read Terms of Use)

Bird Pictures 25 to 36 of 36

(Click on a thumbnail to see a larger picture)

picture of bird (Western Tenage)         picture of bird (Swan)     picture of bird (Tree swallow)       picture of bird (Western Meadowlark

1. Western Tenager                    2. Swan                    3. Tree swallow        4. Western Meadowlark        


picture of bird (Warbler)     picture of bird (Warbler)     picture of bird (Western Meadowlark)     picture of bird (Tufted Muffin)

 5. Warbler                         6. Warbler                  7. Western Meadowlark          8. Tufted Muffin                


picture of bird (Snow Goose)     picture of bird (Go Away Bird)     picture of bird (White-fronted Goose)     picture of bird (Wood Duck)

9.    Snow Goose                 10. Go Away Bird        11. White-fronted Goose        12. Wood Duck





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Photos:  1. Kramer, Gary/USFWS  2.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  3. Leupold, James C./USFWS  4. Hollingsworth, John and Karen/USFWS  5. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  6. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  7. Hollingsworth, John and Karen/USFWS  8. Boylan, Karen/USFWS  9. Perry, Mathew/USFWS  10. Stolz. Gary M./USFWS  11. Menke, David/USFWS  12. Menke, Dave/USFWS.



Terms of Use of Free Bird Pictures

       The Bird Pictures on this page are really FREE.  You may use them for your projects, reports, publications and even for your  web-site - whether personal or commercial.  You can use as many pictures as you like.  However,  free use of these pictures is subject to a few simple conditions as mentioned below:

1.     The  pictures should not be used to make your own picture gallery.

2.     The pictures should not be sold.

3.     The pictures should not be used on a website that promotes hatred and violence or contains adult material.

4.     While using Free Pictures, credit should be given to the concerned photographer/organization, as mentioned above. 


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If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons.  

- James Thurber


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