Name of the pet
Location of pet
Date of birth
What the pet likes to eat
Hobbies of the pet
What the owner has to say about the pet
Name of the owner
Address of the owner
Maurani Bushkush Majumdar
Thane, Maharashtra
Common Stray Cat
Two and half year.
Nothing in particular. Small amount of pet food like
Playing ball and running around
She was found in a garbage bin when approximately 12
days old with her dead mother and siblings. She survived a terrible
infection of tick fever in our Thane SPCA hospital and was adopted by us
on the 22nd day. She is the funniest cat on the face of the earth.
Her pranks keep us laughing the whole day. She is not fond of food, only
play. She was neutered at one and is now a healthy cat, a bundle of joy in
our lives.
Debashish Majumdar
305, Gangotri, B wing, Jangid Complex, Mira Road East,
Thane-401107 |