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100 Tips To Attract Birds




   There are many species of birds. Some eat insects, others seeds and fruits. Many are omnivorous. Your choice of feeds will depend on which species of birds you want to attract.

   Sunflower seeds are one of the most favorite foods of seed-eating birds. Peanuts also appeal to many birds. Other seeds liked by birds are cracked corn, white millet and safflower.

   You can also feed the birds with fruits like apples, plums and tomatoes.  

   Allow your garden to go a little untidy and leave some flowers to go to seed.

   Seeds and insects are scarce during winter. Therefore the plants that produce seeds and fruits in winter are vital for birds.

   Like humans, birds also need calcium in their diet. If you offer them small pieces of egg shell, many birds will come to feed on them and may even take away some of them to feed their young.


Attracting humming birds

   If you want to attract humming birds, grow flowers and hang a humming bird feeder in their midst.  

   Nectar producing plants attract humming birds and orioles.

   Humming birds and orioles need nectar-bearing flowers. Plant many varieties of flowers with different blooming times, so that there is a steady supply of food.

   Do not use artificial dye in the nectar for humming birds. It can harm them.

   To make syrup for humming birds, use one part of sugar with four parts of water.

   Humming birds need sugar for energy. Do not substitute it with artificial sweeteners.

   Wash the humming bird feeders thoroughly every time you refill them.

   To prevent bacteria from developing in the humming bird feeders, replace the sugar water at least twice a week.


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Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.  

-Matthew 5:7


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